Friday, December 6, 2019

191028-Apple Picking, Hirosaki Apple Park

Mt Iwaki (The Mt Fuji of Aomori) can be seen almost everywhere when you are on the road. At Hirosaki Apple Park, you can enjoy the view of Mt Iwaki.
This is a tourist apple park. It has a place to showcase different kind of apples in Hirosaki with a shop and cafe for tourist to buy apples goodies.

The apples design rack with names of different kind of apples.
The building on the left is the tourist shop and cafe. If you like to pick apple, you need to gather at the tourist shop and wait for the next apple picking time. This lady will bring us to the designated trees for apple picking.
We were told to pick only 2 apples each. The staff  brought us to the designated trees, 4 trees. There are not many apples up on the tree. She will wait for us to finish picking and bring us back to pay for what we picked.

The apples were weighed. The 4 apples we picked cost 305 yen.
There is this little place where we can walk up to enjoy the view. We ate our apples here.
We can roam around the farm freely. This is our first time in an Apple Orchard. We were happy with what we saw. However, after we visited another Apple Orchard in Aomori, we realised the apples here were smaller and the whole place were managed too commercially. We enjoyed the farm in Aomori best.
We see different kinds of apple trees in this farm
I do feel that the trees are really planted for tourist to understand that there are different kinds of apples.
Workers at work in Hirosaki Apple Farm.
Snacks sold here. We cannot find the same stuff in Aomori. So if you like to get those from this shop, better to buy them in Hirosaki.

How to get to Hirosaki Apple Park by bus
Bus timetable from Hirosaki Station to Apple Park.
While searching the Aomori Tourism website, was told the bus time table will change depending on season. So it is always better to check with the tourist information counter staff before we set off.
 There is this special bus during the apples pick season that runs directly to Hirosaki Apple Park. This bus will stop directly at the park so we will not get lost. The cost of the bus fare is 200yen per trip. It takes about 40mins to reach. Actually, the Apple Park is very near Hirosaki Station. The bus will stop almost every stop and detour to Aomori castle park and back to route towards the Apple Park. This explain the reason for the long journey ride. Anyway, we are tourist, so the detour is good for us to enjoy the scenery. 
Time table from Apple Park to Hirosaki station for return trip
You will realised that the bus only runs hourly or 2 hourly. So it is always important to plan ahead on how much time you want to spend in the park before wasting your time waiting for the next bus.
The bus stop and min bus to operates from Hirosaki station to Apple Park.
Overall, it is still worthwhile to visit this park for a look at apple trees as it is very convenient to reach. Plus, there is a cafe where we can enjoy apple food (we did not try cause we wanted to rush for our bus). If we got caught in the rain, there is a place for us to take shelter.

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